Ambulatory cardiovascular rehabilitation programme

We are happy to be able to announce that we have recently begun in our Polyclinic an ambulatory cardiovascular rehabilitation programme.

The programme is primarily intended for patients with cardiomyopathy (diseases of the heart muscle – heart failure), along with arrhythmia, patients who have recovered from heart attacks, patients who, due to the narrowing of coronary blood vessels, have had a stent installed or have undergone a bypass of other narrowed vessels, patients who have undergone other heart operations (e.g., operation to the heart valves), and also patients with hypertension and other types of cardiovascular risks who want to do more for their hearts.

As with all our treatments, the programme has been devised and is conducted on an individual basis.

It begins with our standard cardiological examination, and the studying of all your other medical documentation.

We commence the programme by doing an ultrasound of the heart and conducting a stress test (on a bicycle ergometer: using ergometry, stress echocardiography or ergospirometry depending on the physician’s assessment). We consider the stress test important as it enables us to assess the stress level at which to begin our programme.

The programme we conduct lasts at least ten days. Each day and prior to commencing training, the patient takes a solution for improving the functioning of heart muscle where the doses and combinations are devised in line with individual needs and the primary illness.

The patient then sits on the bicycle and cycles against a resistance that is appropriate for the assessed stress level. During the whole time, the ECG is monitored and arterial pressure is continually measured. The stress throughout the programme from day to day is increased, or reduced in the event of any difficulties. Also, therapy is adjusted as necessary.

After that, the patient receives in a lying position treatment using active oxygen in a magnetic field (a method devised by Dr Ardenne). The consumed solutions and prior physical loads act on the heart muscle and quicken the metabolism, thus increasing the efficiency of oxygen in the tissues.

The daily rehabilitation treatment lasts about an hour and a half.

During the programme, patients may consult with our medical nurse and physicians regarding any difficulties, the administering of medication and lifestyle habits. For some patients, depending on the assessment of the physician, a blood sample is taken for analysis.

After conducting the rehabilitation, an ultrasound of the heart is taken again, all monitored parameters and achieved progress are analysed, resulting in a final discharge letter in which the final treatment and instructions are given.