Ergospyrometry (CPET)-more than ergometry!

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) or Ergospyrometry is a diagnostic test used to simultaneously monitor in exercise:

Function of the heart

Function of the lungs

Metabolic changes in the body




What do we assess using the ergospyrometry?
  • Capacity of the heart and lung functions (cardiopulmonary functional capacity)
  • Maximum aerobic capacity (anaerobic threshold)
  • Consumption of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide in exercise
  • Maximum oxygen consumption per unit time

This test has numerous uses for all chronic patients, particularly those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and other pulmonary diseases, but also with general population – for example, young people and high-performance sportspersons to whom the assessment of their physical fitness abilities and metabolic processes is important. In our Polyclinic, however, we are most focused on the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of cardiac diseases so that ergospyrometry is an inevitable tool for:

  • assessment of shortness of breath
  • assessment of risk and prognosis of heart failure
  • assessment of heart defects gravity
  • monitoring the results of medication and surgery treatments
  • assessment of the results of ambulatory cardiovascular rehabilitation
By the protocol of the Sv. Nikola Polyclinic, the test is divided in 3 parts:
  1. Measuring lung function by spyrometry at rest
  2. Stress test
  3. Analysis of the results obtained


Spyrometry (1) taken at rest renders insight into the lung capacity and basic information about the function of the pulmonary system.

Stress test (2) is done using the specific apparatus with which, beside the heart function, we record the lung function and measure data on exhaled gases. To the patient, it means that, in addition to ECG cables and blood pressure meter, he/she will also wear a special mask throughout the stress test.

Analysis of the results obtained (3) is done after the completed stress test.


The test may be performed either on the bike or on the treadmill, depending on the patient’s preferences and power.


Why do it instead of ergometry?
  • Ergospyrometry is the only test by which we simultaneously assess the functions of the heart, lungs and metabolism
  • The test lasts same as ergometry, but it gives us more information and better insight into the patient’s health